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Dew Math for .NET
TMtx.SetIt Method

Sets matrix values.

Visual Basic
public TMtx SetIt(int aRows, int aCols, bool AComplex, [In] double[] A);

Sets matrix values. This method gives you the possibility to pass large arrays of elements without having to declare constant arrays. 

Pass all elements in A array to the calling matrix. The Rows and Cols properties of the calling matrix are set to ARows and ACols and the TMtxVec.ComplexComplexproperty is set to AComplex. An exception is raised if the matrix size (ARows*ACols) does not match the number of complex numbers in A.

var A: TMtx; begin CreateIt(A); try A.SetIt(2,2,False,[1,2, 2,4]); finally FreeIt(A); end; end;
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